Special Effects and Matte Paintings

With a background in fine art painting, I find it really rewarding to build out dramatic digital extensions to live video scenes, as well as creating other post-processing effects in After Effects and other video software.

"The City of New Tarsis"

I created this digital matte painting for a sci-fi video project

"The Destruction of the Beckinfield Little Theatre"

I created this matte painting for the Beckinfield web series.

"Beckinfield's New Science Teachers"

We hadn't cast roles for six mysteries science teachers, but needed them to be represented on screen in a weekly recap for the web series Beckinfield.

"Night at the Museum DVD Game"

I developed a series of simple visual puzzles (pick the odd animal out, etc.) for this game which shipped with the "Night at the Musem" DVD disc.

"Night at the Museum DVD Game"

I developed a series of simple visual puzzles (pick the odd animal out, etc.) for this game which shipped with the "Night at the Musem" DVD disc.